WG 3: Visual analytics of knowledge spaces – knowledge maps

Knowledge Orders and Science: A joined WG meeting of KNOWeSCAPE

We are happy to announce the first joined work group meeting of KNOWeSCAPE, organized in conjunction with the “International UDC Seminar 2013 “Classification and Visualization” The Hague, 24-25 October. The meeting, which will be a joined activity of WG 1 Phenomenology of knowledge spaces and WG 3 Visual analytics of…

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Map of Science – an update

Map of Science – an update

Early in the 2000th years so-called science maps entered bibliometrics and scientometrics. (Börner et al. 2003) Mapping the disciplinary structure of the sciences has become a booming business since. Science maps can have different functions: to evaluate institutions and groups (Klavans&Boyack 2010); to characterize funded scientific networks (see Akdag et…

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Ways of seeing – a multidisciplinary workshop of KnowEscape on data visualization and analysis

Ways of seeing – a multidisciplinary workshop of KnowEscape on data visualization and analysis

The public policy analysis of complex social issues in the context of interconnected globalized world requires a multidimensional approach. Such an approach requires the ability to look beyond the borders of respective disciplines of knowledge and explore possible ways of seeing the issue at hand before defining the research problem. …

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