STSM Virtual Knowledge (Exploring Research Methodology and Epistemology in Humanities, Film Studies and Social Sciences)

Aristotele University, Thessaloniki, Greece Thessaloniki, Greece

Period: 2016-09-15 to 2016-09-22 STSM type: Regular (from fYR Macedonia to Greece) STSM Applicant: Prof Senka Anastasova, Centre for Contemporary Cultural Research, Skopje (MK), STSM Topic: Virtual Knowledge (Exploring Research Methodology and Epistemology in Humanities, Film Studies and Social Sciences) Host: Dr. Despina Mouzaki, Faculty of Fine Arts School of...

Bibliometrics and Information Retrieval: Creating Knowledge through Research Synergies

Copenhagen , Denmark

Bibliometrics, Information Retrieval and Information Navigation. Principles of visual search and browsing The link between bibliometric and altmetric methods for analyses of patterns in scholarly communication and methods of information retrieval supporting information navigation has been explored since a couple of years. For both, bibliometrics as well as IR also...

Alternative metrics or tailored metrics


Please note the new dates! November 9-10 Science and technology indicators have a long tradition. They cover traditional input (human capital and expenditures) with output statistics (publications, patents, citations). Knowledge production of Mode 2, globalized team science and the use of new ICT technologies has add to the traditional set...

STSM Publishing data: exploring publishing ventures such as data journals, linking data and visualizations in publications in an integrated way

Vienna , Austria

STSM Applicant: Dr Panayiota Polydoratou, ATEI of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki (EL), STSM Topic: Publishing data: exploring publishing ventures such as data journals, linking data and visualizations in publications in an integrated way Host: Andreas Rauber, Technical University of Vienna, Vienna (AT), The aim of this STSM is to forge...

STSM – Publishing data

University of Vienna Universitätsring 1, Vienna, Austria

Applicant and Country: Dr. Panayiota Polydoratou (Greece) Host Person and Country: Prof. Andreas Rauber (Austria) Proposed duration of STSM: Dec 18 th – Dec 24 th (7 days) STSM motivation and work plan: The aim of this STSM is to forge existing collaborations in the area of research data management...

Education indicators. Semantic web and knowledge maps – has been cancelled!

Cardiff , United Kingdom

Education is an important aspect of society and assessing the progress made by learners is key to appreciating, validating and if need be improving the educational system in place. Determining how to best assess learning outcomes continues to be a challenge for teachers and policy makers alike. From collaborative problem...

STSM Longevity in data curation/digital archives

Valetta Valetta, Malta

Period: 2017-01-27 to 2017-02-09 COST Action: TD1210 STSM type: Regular (from Ireland to Malta) STSM Applicant: Dr Kalpana Shankar, University College Dublin, Dublin (IE), STSM Topic: Longevity in data curation/digital archives Host: Milena Dobreva, University of Malta, Msida (MT), During the visit of Prof. Shankar, the work will...

Observatory for Knowledge Organisation Systems

Valetta Valetta, Malta

Co-organised by the Department for Library Information and Archiving Sciences of the University of Malta and Wikimedia Community Malta, and hosted by Spazju Kreattiv in Valletta, Malta.   The event organisers are grateful to Malta Libraries and Malta Tourism Authority for their in-kind support.  The Observatory will be accompanied by...

Forth Annual Knowescape Conference

Sofia , Bulgaria

The Fourth Annual Conference brings together all working groups and showcases the main achievements of TD1210. The main themes of the conference are From Data to Knowledge - Linked, Open, and Interoperable Information Spaces (WG 1,2,4) New Methods in Data Analytics and Visualisations (WG 2,3) Knowledge Maps for governing science...

Markets, flows and behaviour – new dates – new title

NUI Galway University Road , Galway, Ireland

Knowescape looks into a wide spectrum of information spaces, from platforms to pursuit and trade art objects to financial markets, from the funding circle for science to the life cycle of data. The last decades have witness an increase in encounters between economists and physicists. Econophysics is an established field,...