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Alternative metrics or tailored metrics
November 9, 2016 - November 10, 2016
Please note the new dates! November 9-10
Science and technology indicators have a long tradition. They cover traditional input (human capital and expenditures) with output statistics (publications, patents, citations). Knowledge production of Mode 2, globalized team science
and the use of new ICT technologies has add to the traditional set of macro-level indicators. Biblometrics offers a taylored toolset, and altmetrics offers indicators on the fly. We have more metrics than ever, more metrics than probably data
can be collected for, or so it seems. This workshop brings together specialists in STI, science and technology scholars, bibliometricians and altmetrics specialists and researchers with extensive research management experience to reflect
about current metrical practices. How much metrics do we need and how much metrics can we afford? Do we have the right metrics? How can data bases with STI relevant information made interoperable? What is the role for Linked (Open)
Data information gathering and management? What new metrics do we need to develop to capture new institutional forms in science? How can visualisations and infographics help to map and measure science?