Posts Tagged "Complexity"

SKIN3 workshop – Joining Complexity Science and Social Simulation for Policy

  • 18th December 2013
SKIN3 workshop – Joining Complexity Science and Social Simulation for Policy

A workshop at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary, 22–23 May 2014 Workshop URL: This 2-days workshop organised by the EA European Academy of Technology and Innovation Assessment ( as its annual conference with two co-organisers and one local host will bring together two scientific communities to join forces in…

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Complexity in the Digital Humanities – Amsterdam

Complexity in the Digital Humanities – Amsterdam

In KnowEscape we have an unique combination of experts from vary different scientific fields. A red line and common shared interest is the discovery of structure and patterns in traces of cultural heritage. To analyze and understand human culture (past, present, future) is probably the biggest challenge for complexity research….

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Complexity in the Digital Humanities

  • 8th October 2013

Workshop of the e-Humanities Group, Meertens Instituut, Amsterdam ( Supported by the KNOWeSCAPE COST action ( Abstract Complexity pervades all sciences, and will play a pivotal role in twenty first century science. The fundamental idea is that we cannot understand a subject through its microscopic constituents, but only through their…

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KNOWeSCAPE at the Lorentz Center Leiden – an introduction

KNOWeSCAPE at the Lorentz Center Leiden – an introduction

At the Lorentz Center in Leiden from 27 May 2013 through 31 May 2013 Diego Garlaschelli (Leiden, The Netherlands) and  H. Eugene Stanley (Boston, USA) organized a workshop “Econophysics and Networks Across Scales”. For this community of complexity research at the interface between physics and economics knowledge maps, and information…

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