Posts Tagged "KOS"

TD1210 Workshop Observatory for Knowledge Organisation Systems in Malta – Programme available

TD1210 Workshop Observatory for Knowledge Organisation Systems in Malta – Programme available

Rationale Systems to organise our knowledge are as old as knowledge production itself. Today we talk about knowledge graphs, and in them library classifications stay next to domain-specific controlled vocabulary, and domain specific ontologies. Waving all this structured information into one connected graph requires interoperability of data and metadata schema,…

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STSM A systematic study of metrics and evidence suitable for institutions which operate in areas with high interdisciplinarity

  • 28th June 2016

Period: 2016-07-09 to 2016-07-17 COST Action: TD1210 STSM type: (from Greece to Netherlands) STSM Applicant: Ms Souzana Maranga, Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki (EL) STSM Applicant: Mr Dimitrios Iliadis, Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Sindos (EL), STSM Topic: A systematic study of metrics and evidence suitable for…

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Observatory for Knowledge Organisation Systems

  • 10th May 2016

Co-organised by the Department for Library Information and Archiving Sciences of the University of Malta and Wikimedia Community Malta, and hosted by Spazju Kreattiv in Valletta, Malta.   The event organisers are grateful to Malta Libraries and Malta Tourism Authority for their in-kind support.  The Observatory will be accompanied by…

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STSM – Data analysis and visualization in the agricultural domain

  • 1st February 2016

STSM Applicant: Dr Aleksandra Figurek, University of Banja Luka, Banja Luka (BA), STSM Topic: Data analysis and visualization in the agricultural domain Host: Andreas Rauber, Institut for Softwaretechnik and Interactive Systems, Wien (AT),   STSM at TU Vienna will be realized throught scientific activities with the aim to…

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