Working groups

Reproducibility in Scientometrics – special track at the STI2018

Reproducibility in Scientometrics – special track at the STI2018

Reproducibility in Scientometrics Sybille Hinze1, Jason Rollins2, Andrea Scharnhorst3, Jesper Schneider4, Theresa Velden5, Ludo Waltman6 1DZHW, Berlin, Germany, 2Clarivate Analytics, USA, 3Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, The Netherlands, 4Danish Centre for Studies in Research & Research Policy, Aarhus University,5Technical University Berlin, Germany, 6Centre for Science and Technology Studies…

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Closing of Knowescape COST Action TD1210

Closing of Knowescape COST Action TD1210

Dear members of the Knowescape community,  Meanwhile the Action is closed, and reporting has been almost finished. Thanks to all of you which have provided evidence of the usefulness of this four-year long journey and the events along it for scientific progress in general and your individual careers in particular….

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Big data, smart models – analysis of the French Presidential Elections

Big data, smart models – analysis of the French Presidential Elections

Members of our community have investigated the French elections as case for both dynamic modelling of complex social systems and large-scale data visualisation. David Chavalarias, CNRS Research Director, Centre d’Analyses de Mathématiques Sociales (CAMS), Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) and Director of the Complex Systems Institute of…

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Financial networks and the Real economy: Evolution, Interaction and Systemic stability – TD1210 workshop in Galway

Financial networks and the Real economy: Evolution, Interaction and Systemic stability  Jointly organized by COST Action KNOWeSCAPE and Complex Systems Research Centre (CORE), NUI Galway March 14-16, 2017  Almost a decade since the 2008 financial crash, European economies continue to experience the aftershock with sluggish economic recovery dangerously drifting towards…

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TD1210 Workshop Observatory for Knowledge Organisation Systems in Malta – Programme available

TD1210 Workshop Observatory for Knowledge Organisation Systems in Malta – Programme available

Rationale Systems to organise our knowledge are as old as knowledge production itself. Today we talk about knowledge graphs, and in them library classifications stay next to domain-specific controlled vocabulary, and domain specific ontologies. Waving all this structured information into one connected graph requires interoperability of data and metadata schema,…

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STSM – Publishing data. Report of Panayiota Polydoratou

STSM – Publishing data. Report of Panayiota Polydoratou

Publishing data:  exploring publishing ventures such as data journals, linking data and visualizations in publications in an integrated way Panayiota Polydoratou Funded by the COST Action TD1210 KNOWeSCAPE, the short term scientific mission (STSM) ran from 18 to 24 December. The STSM was hosted by Prof. Rauber and the Information…

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