STSM – Publishing data. Report of Panayiota Polydoratou

STSM – Publishing data. Report of Panayiota Polydoratou

Publishing data:  exploring publishing ventures such as data journals, linking data and visualizations in publications in an integrated way Panayiota Polydoratou Funded by the COST Action TD1210 KNOWeSCAPE, the short term scientific mission (STSM) ran from 18 to 24 December. The STSM was hosted by Prof. Rauber and the Information…

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STSM Virtual Knowledge (Exploring Research Methodology and Epistemology in Humanities, Film Studies and Social Sciences) Report of Senka Anastasova

STSM Virtual Knowledge (Exploring Research Methodology and Epistemology in Humanities, Film Studies and Social Sciences) Report of Senka Anastasova

A Short Scientific Report after completion of the Short Term Scientific Mission at Faculty of Fine Arts School of Film Studies, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece concerning  the research Virtual Knowledge (Exploring Research Methodology and Epistemology in Humanities, Film Studies and Social Sciences)   The main aim of this short…

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STSM – Structure of Phase-Space Manifolds Underlying Collective Dynamics of Knowledge. A visit at the Jozef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana. Report from Miroslav Andjelkovic

STSM – Structure of Phase-Space Manifolds Underlying Collective Dynamics of Knowledge. A visit at the Jozef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana. Report from Miroslav Andjelkovic

MSc. Miroslav Andjelkovic’s report about a Short Term Scientific Mission at Jozef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana, TD1210-140716-078788 Large Structure of Phase-Space Manifolds Underlying Collective Dynamics of Knowledge Creation and Other Online Social Processes As part of this STSM, in the period from 14.07.2016. to 24.07.2016., I worked at the Department…

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STSM – A systematic study of metrics. Visit at DANS, KNAW. A report of Souzana Maranga and Dimitrios Iliadis

STSM – A systematic study of metrics. Visit at DANS, KNAW. A report of Souzana Maranga and Dimitrios Iliadis

A systematic study of metrics and evidence suitable for institutions which operate in areas of high interdisciplinarity 9-17 July 2016, Dimitrios Iliadis, Souzana Maranga Funded by the COST Action TD1210 KNOWeSCAPE, our short term mission to The Netherlands, from 9 – 17 July, aimed to study metrics and evidence suitable…

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STSM – Data management at a commercial environment. A visit at the Times of Malta. Report by Elli Papadopoulou and Sotirios Sismanis.

STSM – Data management at a commercial environment. A visit at the Times of Malta. Report by Elli Papadopoulou and Sotirios Sismanis.

Data management at a commercial environment: conducting a mini data audit on the data produced by the Times of Malta Host: Professor Milena Dobreva, University of Malta Duration: 04 – 11, July 2016 First and foremost, we would like to express our gratitude to Dr. Andrea Scharnhorst, Dr. Panayiota Polydoratou,…

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STSM – Organization of knowledge in large datasets. A visit at the University of Agriculture in Crakow. Report by Giulia Rotundo.

STSM – Organization of knowledge in large datasets. A visit at the University of Agriculture in Crakow. Report by Giulia Rotundo.

Organisation of knowledge in large datasets: clustering algorithms and strategies Visit at the Faculty of Forestry, University of Agriculture, Cracow, Poland July 3-13, 2016 Host: Prof. P. Wezyk Data mining is an ubiquitous theme that is present in many fields of science: surely in pattern recognition, classification of images, detecting…

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STSM – Visit to the HUB Institute for Library Sciences “Same data, different results” – report of Rob Koopman

STSM – Visit to the HUB Institute for Library Sciences “Same data, different results” – report of Rob Koopman

Period: 2016-04-24 to 2016-04-30 STSM Applicant: Mr Rob Koopman, OCLC EMEA BV, Leiden (NL) Host: Frank Havemann HUB The STSM of Rob Koopman was devoted to discussing the problems to define topics using bibliometrics traces. Although, this problem is by no way new there are still many competing approaches, which…

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STSM – Visualization of LOD Laundromat Data – report by Suzanne Tolmeijer

STSM – Visualization of LOD Laundromat Data – report by Suzanne Tolmeijer

STSM Report: Visualization of LOD Laundromat Data by Suzanne Tolmeijer, VU A report on STSM-TD1210 at Indiana University, Bloomington, IN Host: Dr. Katy Börner Duration: April 15-24, 2016 The Knowledge Representation research group at the VU University in Amsterdam, chaired by Frank van Harmelen, has a project about the semantic…

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STSM – Data analysis and visualization in the agricultural domain – by Aleksandra Figurek

STSM – Data analysis and visualization in the agricultural domain – by Aleksandra Figurek

STSM “Data analysis and visualization in the agricultural domain” realized on TU Vienna in the period 25.03 – 17.04.2016. First, I want to express my gratitude to Prof. Andreas Rauber (TU Vienna) and Dr Andrea Scharnhorst (Chair of the COST Action TD1210) for  possibility they gave me to  advance scientific…

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STSM Expanding the use of science maps in sociological analyses by positioning actors in knowledge landscapes (II) by Valeria Aman

STSM Expanding the use of science maps in sociological analyses by positioning actors in knowledge landscapes (II)  by Valeria Aman

Expanding the use of science maps in sociological analyses by positioning actors in knowledge landscapes   STSM of Valeria Aman (PhD student, DZHW Berlin, Germany) at INGENIO (Valencia, Spain) April 4-8, 2016   In my PhD project, I will develop and apply bibliometric methods for studying knowledge transfers effected by…

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