Protected: Workshop: Research Information Systems and Science Classifications, The Hague, September 27-28, 2018

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Reproducibility in Scientometrics Sybille Hinze1, Jason Rollins2, Andrea Scharnhorst3, Jesper Schneider4, Theresa Velden5, Ludo Waltman6 1DZHW, Berlin, Germany, 2Clarivate Analytics, USA, 3Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, The Netherlands, 4Danish Centre for Studies in Research & Research Policy, Aarhus University,5Technical University Berlin, Germany, 6Centre for Science and Technology Studies…
Beginning of October 2017 a news item of our Dutch main funding organisation NWO caught my eye. The title reads in English “Measures of NWO to reduce proposal pressure.” With it came an extensive 12 page report (albeit available in Dutch only) based on a series of conferences NWO organised…. has function as communication platform for the COST Action TD1210 which ended in April 2017. Having said this the collaboration network we established in those four years will continue. I will keep the blog online for a couple of more years, reporting about new activities which are kind of…
Dear members of the Knowescape community, Meanwhile the Action is closed, and reporting has been almost finished. Thanks to all of you which have provided evidence of the usefulness of this four-year long journey and the events along it for scientific progress in general and your individual careers in particular….
Members of our community have investigated the French elections as case for both dynamic modelling of complex social systems and large-scale data visualisation. David Chavalarias, CNRS Research Director, Centre d’Analyses de Mathématiques Sociales (CAMS), Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) and Director of the Complex Systems Institute of…
Dear colleagues, TD1210 ends in April. Due to the workflow of the financial administration we are only able to reimburse last claims after the closing of the Action. Remaining claims will be paid back after April 30, 2017. Andrea Chair of the Action
Financial networks and the Real economy: Evolution, Interaction and Systemic stability Jointly organized by COST Action KNOWeSCAPE and Complex Systems Research Centre (CORE), NUI Galway March 14-16, 2017 Almost a decade since the 2008 financial crash, European economies continue to experience the aftershock with sluggish economic recovery dangerously drifting towards…
The Fourth Annual meeting of the TD1210 Action will take a place at the Best Western Hotel Expo, Sofia, Bulgaria, from Wednesday, 22 February until Friday, 24 February, 2017. The management committee meeting will be hold at the end of the first day of the Annual meeting on Wednesday, February…
Rationale Systems to organise our knowledge are as old as knowledge production itself. Today we talk about knowledge graphs, and in them library classifications stay next to domain-specific controlled vocabulary, and domain specific ontologies. Waving all this structured information into one connected graph requires interoperability of data and metadata schema,…