Posts Tagged "model"

STSM – Krzysztof Suchecki @ DANS and eHumanities group Amsterdam

  • 19th May 2014

The STSM has three goals: 1.Solving issues of uploading Wikipedia dataset to DANS archive. 2.Discuss methods of complex network research for investigation of ontologies in time with Albert Meruono-Penuela. 3.Discuss the possibility to obtain and process recent wikipedia network data. Towards the first goal, a visit to DANS will be…

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SKIN3 workshop – Joining Complexity Science and Social Simulation for Policy

  • 18th December 2013
SKIN3 workshop – Joining Complexity Science and Social Simulation for Policy

A workshop at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary, 22–23 May 2014 Workshop URL: This 2-days workshop organised by the EA European Academy of Technology and Innovation Assessment ( as its annual conference with two co-organisers and one local host will bring together two scientific communities to join forces in…

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