Ways of Seeing

Ways of Seeing_workshop

Ways of Seeing
A Multidisciplinary workshop on data visualization and analytics

COST workshop jointly organized by Social Sciences Computing Hub (SSCH) and Complex Systems Research Centre (CORE) NUI Galway

Venue: CA110, Cairnes Building, NUI Galway


Wednesday, 23rd April 2014

09:30 – 09:45 – Registration, Welcome

Session 1       Financial fragility and Systemic crisis

09:50               Sorin Solomon, Hebrew University, Jerusalem: Minsky’s Financial Instability and Marshall-Walras Disequilibrium [Slides]

10.40               Naoise Metadjer, NUI Galway, Ireland: Critical Transitions in Eurozone Sovereign Bond Markets [slides]

11:30 Coffee break

12:00              Natasa Golo, Hebrew University, Jerusalem: A model of Minsky’s financial instability hypothesis applied to an inter-firm network  [slides]

12:50 Lunch

Session 2       Financial crisis and Macroeconomy

14:00               Sinead Ashe, NUI Galway, Ireland: Assessing the empirical performance of DSGE model in the lead up to the Crisis [slides]

14:50               Eoghan Staunton, NUI Galway, Ireland: Product space and the Skill network: The case of Ireland [slides]

15:40: Coffee break

16:00               Srinivas Raghavendra, NUI Galway, Ireland: Finance led growth, Endogenous money and Macroeconomic crisis

End of Day 1

Thursday, 24th April 2014

Session 1       Knowledge maps and Visualization

09:30               Andrea Scharnhorst, eHumanities group, 
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW): The use of research information systems – from first impressions to thorough policy analysis [slides at slideshare]

10:20               Bin Yang, University Pierre and Marie Curie, Sorbonne Universities Paris VI University: How to Visualize Information by using the notion of Memory Islands

11:00 Coffee break

11:10               Ozge Dilaver, University of Surrey, UK: Between Istanbul and Thessaloniki: Modeling Trade, Mobility and Barriers between Two Cities

12:00               Judit Bar-Ilan, Bar Ilan University, Israel: Altmetrics – potential for visualization?

12:40              Petri Piiroinen, NUI, Galway: Surfaces to visualize dynamics in decision-making and mechanics

13:15 Lunch

Session 2       Religion, Science and Analysis

14:15               Marcel Ausloos, eHumanities group, 
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW): On the analysis of data having some religious aspects

15:30 Coffee break

Session 3       Group behavior and dynamics

16:15               Serge Galam, CEVIPOF – Centre for Political Research, Sciences Po and CNRS, Paris: While for any unsolved problem, you can view it half full or half empty, the resulting drink will taste totally different

End of Day 2

Friday, 25th April 2014

Session 1       Group behavior and dynamics (continued)

09:30               Bertrand M. Roehner, LPTHE, University of Paris (Pierre and Marie Curie): How can one measure group cohesion?

10:30               Maxi San Miguel, IFISC (CSIC-UIB), Palma de Mallorca, Spain: Data for Human Mobility. Implications in electoral processes.

11:00               L. Angelova, I. Atanasov and O. Yordanov, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia Bulgaria: Correlations in a self-organized criticality models: a detailed study

11:30 Coffee break

12:00               Peter Richmond, University of Dublin, Trinity College: Multiple choice examinations: similarity of answers and cheating in candidate networks

12.45 Lunch

End of meeting


Organizers: Dr. Srinivas Raghavendra, NUI Galway, Ireland, MC Member TD1210 & Professor Peter Richmond, TCD and Open University, UK, Chair of WG 2 TD1210