Bibliometrics and Information Retrieval: Creating Knowledge through Research Synergies ASIST 2016

In Knowescape over the last years we organised meetings to bring together researchers working on information retrieval (the navigation through information spaces), on bibliometrics and scientometrics (quantitative studies of science) and on visualisation (visual analytics and visual enhanced browsing). (see introduction by Scharnhorst)

The annual meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (asis&t) offered the opportunity to present our results to a wide, international audience encompassing PhD students and faculty from iSchools/LIS; but also commercial information provider and libraries/archives.

At the accepted panel, the panelists gave short presentations addressing (please find pdf’s below):

  • open issues in the use of bibliometrics in Information Retrieval (Wolfram)
  • overview about publications publications and planned upcoming meetings (Mayr)
  • new ideas to link bibliometrics and Information Retrieval (Bar-Ilan)
  • the use of new approaches for large-scale information services (Wang, Koopman)
  • the application of IR and bibliometrics principles in technological foresight (John)

The discussion with the audience revealed the ongoing need for textbook like introduction into the field of IR and bibliometrics as well as meetings/workshops to learn methods and compare them using open-access, shared benchmark datasets. The latter wish will be addressed both in Knowescape and SIG/MET, the ASIS&T Special Interest Group for the measurement of information production.



Bibliometrics and Information Retrieval: Creating Knowledge through Research Synergies

Extended abstract can be found and in the ASIST conference proceedings.


Dietmar Wolfram, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Judit Bar-Ilan, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Marcus John, Fraunhofer Institute for Technological Trend Analysis, Germany
Rob Koopman, OCLC Research Europe, The Netherlands
Shenghui Wang, OCLC Research Europe, The Netherlands
Philipp Mayr, GESIS, Germany
Andrea Scharnhorst, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, The Netherlands



This panel brings together experts in bibliometrics and information retrieval to discuss how each of these two important areas of information science can help to inform the research of the other. There is a growing body of literature that capitalizes on the synergies created by combining methodological approaches of each to solve research problems and practical issues related to how information is created, stored, organized, retrieved and used. The session will begin with an overview of the common threads that exist between IR and metrics, followed by a summary of findings from the BIR workshops and examples of research projects that combine aspects of each area to benefit IR or metrics research areas, including search results ranking, semantic indexing and visualization. The panel will conclude with an engaging discussion with the audience to identify future areas of research and collaboration.


The meeting has been funded by COST TD1210 and supported by SigMet.

