As first working group meeting (WG 2,3,4) Knowescape starts its activities in the last year. Please find below the programme, and a pdf with all details.
The workshop builds on a number of activities the COST Action Knowescape TD1210 has supported related to questions such as “What is a topic in science?” “How can research diversity be measured?” “How can we visualise topics, problem areas, specialties and how can we use such visualisations for navigation?”
This workshop is co-funded together with the EC-funded (FP7) project ImpactEV, a project devoted to develop concepts and methods to determine the impact of social sciences and humanities, scientific impact as well as societal impact in its various facets.
A special issue for the journal Scientometrics is in preparation, documenting the scientific progress achieved by TD1210 along of this cross-working groups thread of research.
Workshop program
Monday 29th August 2016 08.30 Registration 09.00 Welcome 09.15 Theresa Velden: Mapping the cognitive structure of astrophysics combining different levels of organization: a citation and journal based approach 09.45 Wolfgang Glänzel: Lexical analysis of scientific publications for nano-level scientometrics 10.15 Coffee Break 10.45 Kevin Boyack: The Tradeoff between Altruism and Economic Growth in the Research Focus of Nations 11.15 Tim Evans: The Location of Papers in Topic Space-Time 11.45 Edgar Schiebel: Bibliometric field delineation with heat maps of bibliographically coupled publications using core documents and a cluster approach—the case of multiscale simulation and modelling 12.15 George Kampis: Blindfolded NLP: Unsupervised Learning for Automatically Generating Topic Labels 12.45 Lunch Break Panels and Discussions 14.15 Author panel on the Scientometrics special issue „Same data, different results” Facilitator: Andrea Scharnhorst 15.45 Coffee Break 16.15 Validation methods for topic extraction results (Discussion) Facilitator: Jochen Gläser Tuesday 30th August 2016 09.30 Marcus John: Technology foresight and the concept of emerging topics 10.00 Sándor Soós: Disciplinary structure and topical complexity in SSH—the IMPACT EV mission 10.30 Coffee Break 11.00 Haluk Bingol: Context sensitive article ranking with citation context analysis 11.30 Péter Pollner: Quantifying the changing role of past publications 12.00 Gergely Tibély: Hierarchical organisation of scientific journals 12.30 Lunch Break Panels and Discussions 14.00 Future plans on the challenge of topic extraction (Discussion) Facilitator: Theresa Velden 15.00 Synergies with the IMPACT EV project (Discussion for participants of the project) Facilitator: Sándor Soós |
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