The second annual meeting of KnowEscape will take place at Piraeus Bank Conference Centre, Thessaloniki, Greece from Monday 24 November until Wednesday 26 November, 2014.
A management committee meeting will also be held within this period.
We proudly announce as keynote speakers of the event
Prof. Elena Dimitrova, Clemson University ( )
Dr. Zoe Borovsky, UCLA Libraries (
Dr. Vincent Traag, KITLV (
On top of that we envision 20-minutes slots for regular speakers and 5-minutes slots for ignite talks, a very entertaining type of oral presentation. Presentations have been deliberately kept short in order to give participants plenty of time to discuss between sessions.
Anybody interested in presenting something at the meeting should submit an extended abstract of 1 max 2 pages through the Easychair submission system. The name of the event is KNOWESCAPE2014.
The deadline to submit contributions is October 19th – deadline extended!. Link:
Shortly after the deadline contributions will be reviewed and a decision will be taken as to their suitability as regular presentations or ignite talks.
Selected papers will be published at Information Services and Use Journal open access (
More information on the event can be found at the Web page:
We are looking forward to hosting you in Thessaloniki,
Best wishes,