Call for papers – Identification, location and temporal evolution of topics – August 29-30, 2016

Call for papers – Identification, location and temporal evolution of topics – August 29-30, 2016

Identification, location and temporal evolution of topics

Data and algorithm – comparison of approaches

This workshop builds on a series of workshops in TD1210 in Berlin, Amsterdam, Istanbul about research diversity and the metrical challenge to delineate topics. At the Budapest workshop, experts are invited to present their approaches to identify and trace topic evolution over time. Among them is a group of researchers (Same data, different results – special session at ISSI 2015) who will present their insights concerning different methods for topic delineation, and ways to compare them to a wider audience. Three additional topics will be addressed: How to organise a topic delineation challenge in the metrics community? How to best engage with experts in the evaluation of topics maps and their evolution? How can the science of topic delineation, and, science mapping in general, better inform taxonomies of scientific research used in research evaluation? The latter points are of particular interest for the social sciences and humanities, which are increasingly exposed to metric based evaluative practices.

The workshop is supported by the COST Action TD1210 Knowescape, and the FP7 Project Impact-EV.

Call for papers

If you would like to attend the workshop and present a paper/poster please send a title and abstract not later then July 20, 2016 to Sandor Soos ( (cc Andrea Scharnhorst, ).

Time: August 29-30, 2016

Venue: Bupapest, Hungary – Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Library and Information Centre (H1051 Arany János utca 1.)

Programme committee: Sandor Soos, Theresa Velden, Andrea Scharnhorst