ISSI 2015 Doctoral Forum


After the Doctoral Forum

As agreed the submissions as well as the presentations will not be published openly. Please feel free to approach your fellow participants for material if you are interested. For your convenience, and also to make the Doctoral Forum visible the names of all participants and the mail addresses of the PhD students can be found on this site.

Aim for the Doctoral Forum

Dear PhD students, dear senior advisers,

At the ISSI 2015 Doctoral Forum, 11 PhD students and 10 seniors meet for a whole day to discuss the different PhD projects. We assigned students to seniors and have almost a one-to-one matching. The senior adviser(s) assigned to you will have read your application, and will also be the first to start the discuss after your presentation. When planning the event, Judit and myself decided at the end to keep the whole group together over the whole day. The advantage is that each presentation gets feedback from the whole group, which represents a wide spectrum of expertise and competences. The consequence of this arrangement is also that we all have a full day. Time keeping will be firm to give all students the same attention. Try out your presentation, I will be merciless in cutting you off!

We all can prepare ourselves by looking at the submitted applications, which contain a summary of the PhD projects, motivations and expectations of the PhD students.

We will have a 1.5 hour lunch break. In this break we would like to encourage students and assigned seniors to sit together! This day is not only about learning and getting feedback for your PhD, students, it is also about getting to know your peers  and experts which have a standing in the field of scientometrics. It is an event of introduction and feedback, the start of forming acquaintances, and hopefully not its end!

Having said so, as chair I will also have an eye on our energy level – don’t worry I will not make you sing, but I might invite you to move now and than.

Judit will not be able to join us at the ISSI but will be with us in spirit, and has been crucial in the preparation of this event. Thank you!

Looking forward to see you all in Istanbul soon.

Warmest regards


Schedule for the Doctoral Forum

Room: John Freely Seminar Room, South Campus (see:

9-10 Introduction
Everybody of the participants pitches themselves. You have 5 minutes sharp! You are free to choose what to pitch about: How did you get involved in scientometrics? Why did you become an academics? What did you feel during your PhD? What was your most intriguing experience ever? …. Keep in mind: 5 min are not enough to present your whole CV! You could also bring an object around witch you do your pitch.

Students: Rules for presentation: You have 10 min sharp, to leave 10 min for discussion. Focus is crucial, select one problem you would like to have feedback on! Think of your presentation more as a longer pitch than a conference presentation or defense. The discussion will be opened by the assigned senior adviser.

10-11 First presentation round (3 presentations, keywords by Andrea)

  • Bradford Demarest – (linguistics) bdemares [at]
  • Tahereh Dehadarirad   – (gender) tdehdari [at]
  • Adele Paul-Hus – (acknowledgements) adele.paul-hus [at]

11-12 Second presentation round (3 presentations)

  • Qiuju Zhou –(Diversity and similarity measures) zhouqj [at]
  • Philippe Mongeon  – (Patent-paper pairs) philippe.mongeon [at]
  • W J Low – (Citation modeling) W.J.Low [at]


12-13.30 Lunch

13.30-14.30 Third presentation round (3 presentations)

  • Aduku Kuku – (altmetrics) k.j.Aduku [at]
  • A I M Jakaria Rahman – (expert panel) Jakaria.Rahman [at]
  • Eduardo Perez Molina – (visualization) eperezmolina [at]

Small break

14.50-15.30 Fourth presentation round (2 presentations)

  • Dorte Henriksen – (collaboration) dh [at]
  • Adam Finch – (collaboration) Adam.Finch [at]

15.30-16.00 Wrap up


List of senior advisers participating in the Doctoral Forum – and assigned students

Kevin Boyack (Philippe Mongeon)

Rodrigo Costas (Aduku Kuku)

Santo Fortunato (Qiuju Zhou)

Wolfgang Glaenzel (W J Low)

Sybille Hinze (A I M Jakaria Rahman)

Andrea Scharnhorst (Bradford Demarest, Dorte Henriksen)

Cassidy Sugimoto (Tahereh Dehadarirad, Adam Finch)

Gunnar Sivertsen (Adele Paul-Hus, Bradford Demarest)

Theresa Velden (Eduardo Perez Molina)