Fourth Annual KnoweScape Conference – KnowEscape2017

The Fourth Annual meeting of the TD1210 Action will take a place at the Best Western Hotel Expo, Sofia, Bulgaria, from Wednesday, 22 February until Friday, 24 February, 2017.  The management committee meeting will be hold at the end of the first day of the Annual meeting on Wednesday, February 22, 2017.

The COST Action TD1210 seeks to promote scientific collaboration and exchange between information professionals, sociologists, physicists, digital humanities scholars and computer scientists on the problems of data mining and data curation in collections. The main objective is advancing the analysis of large knowledge spaces and systems that organize and order them. A detailed description of the project can be found here.

The themes addressed at our annual meeting correspond to the working groups of KnoweScape (WG)

  • Phenomenology of knowledge spaces
  • Theory of knowledge spaces
  • Visual analytics of knowledge spaces – knowledge maps
  • Data curation and navigation based on knowledge maps


We encourage equally presentations which showcase the achievements in the work of the Action over the last four years, as well as contributions about new research topics. Earlier stage researcher are in particular encouraged to submit contributions.

All MC members received an invitation to the MC meeting. MC and working group members are encouraged to participate at the whole conference by presentations and as session chairs. Reimbursement will be given to members of the Action with accepted contributions – and to MC members for the MC meeting. (Rules for reimbursement can be found here. Please note that for the Fourth Annual Meeting the MC voted for a reduced hotel lumpsum of 100 EUR per night!)