Become a map maker for the 10th Iteration of Katy Börner’s Spaces and Places exhibit

Become a map maker for the 10th Iteration of Katy Börner’s Spaces and Places exhibit

The making of KnowEscape has been thoroughly inspired by the Places&Spaces enterprise. Now the call for the 10th Iteration is out (see ) and please do note the passage “Given the topic of this iteration, two types of submissions are welcome: (1) Photographs or conceptual sketches of future innovative science map usage—see Otlet’s Mondothèque for inspiration. Ideally, the proposed interface or novel usage are paradigm-shifting—disruptive ideas are most welcome.  (2) A visual rendering of a dataset together with a legend, textual description, and acknowledgements as required to interpret the map.”

So, maybe this is a venue for some of the Knowledge-map sketches we have produced in the two KnowEscape brainstorms so far! Let’s participate! Deadline to submit initial entries is January 31st, 2014.