Call for papers – Fourth Annual Knowescape Conference Sofia

Call for papers – Fourth Annual Knowescape Conference Sofia

We would like to invite you to participate in the Fourth  Annual Knowescape Conference of the TD1210 COST action KnowEscape, to be held at the Best Western Hotel Expo, in Sofia, Bulgaria, from Wednesday, 22 February until Friday, 24 February, 2017.

We are very proud to announce Jennifer Edmond, Milena Golshan, Jenna Hartel, Stefanie Haustein, Isabella Peters, and Jevin West as our keynote speakers for this event. (see

The COST Action TD1210 seeks to promote scientific collaboration and exchange between information professionals, sociologists, physicists, digital humanities scholars and computer scientists on the problems of data mining and data curation in collections. The main objective of our Action is advancing the analysis of large knowledge spaces and systems that organize and order them. A detailed description of the project can be found here.

The themes addressed at our Annual Meeting correspond to the working groups of KnoweScape (WG)

  • Phenomenology of knowledge spaces
  • Theory of knowledge spaces
  • Visual analytics of knowledge spaces – knowledge maps
  • Data curation and navigation based on knowledge maps


For our fourth and last Annual Meeting we encourage equally presentations which showcase the achievements in the work of the Action over the last four years, as well as contributions about new research topics. Earlier stage researcher are in particular encouraged to submit contributions.

Please submit a title and abstract (max three pages) to EasyChair:

The deadline for submissions is January 8, 2017. Extended to January 16!

The Steering group of Knowescape will act as Programme Comittee and review the contributions as soon as possible. Acceptance, assignment as talk/ignite talk/poster and possibly support for attendance (invitation via eCOST) will be decided based on these reviews. Notifications to the authors will be send not later than January 18, so that you can prepare your travel in time.

In parallel, the website of the conference will be continuously updated. It contains more details about the talks of the keynote speakers, the venue, and in time the programme. See

We are looking forward to welcome many of you in Sofia end of February!

Andrea Scharnhorst and Oleg Yordanov