Alternative metrics or tailored metrics


Please note the new dates! November 9-10 Science and technology indicators have a long tradition. They cover traditional input (human capital and expenditures) with output statistics (publications, patents, citations). Knowledge production of Mode 2, globalized team science and the use of new ICT technologies has add to the traditional set...

STSM Publishing data: exploring publishing ventures such as data journals, linking data and visualizations in publications in an integrated way

Vienna , Austria

STSM Applicant: Dr Panayiota Polydoratou, ATEI of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki (EL), STSM Topic: Publishing data: exploring publishing ventures such as data journals, linking data and visualizations in publications in an integrated way Host: Andreas Rauber, Technical University of Vienna, Vienna (AT), The aim of this STSM is to forge...

Observatory for Knowledge Organisation Systems

Valetta Valetta, Malta

Co-organised by the Department for Library Information and Archiving Sciences of the University of Malta and Wikimedia Community Malta, and hosted by Spazju Kreattiv in Valletta, Malta.   The event organisers are grateful to Malta Libraries and Malta Tourism Authority for their in-kind support.  The Observatory will be accompanied by...