The conference Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries is one of the main venue for Digital Library Scholarship. Milena Dobreva, our MC member from Malta, initiated a specific plenary event, where five COST Actions, relevant for Digital Libraries, presented themselves. Touradj Ebrahimi presented Qualinet (IC1003), an Action which develops models for the assessment of quality when it comes to the personal experience of multimedia, something we might want to look into when developing new interfaces to knowledge spaces. Matthew Driscoll introduced into Medioevo Europeo (IS 1005), an Action aiming at the creation of a Virtual Europe-wide center for Medivial Studies. Typically for Digital Humanities projects, questions of metadata standards, curation of collection, annotations, and research infrastructures are addresses. WEBDATANET (IS 1004), presented by Muriel Foulonneau, is devoted methodological issues of web-base collections (surveys, mobile internet, non-reactive data collection). The Vice-chair of IS1004, Stefanie Steinmetz is associated researcher at the eHumanities group of the KNAW. GESIS, one of our partners is also involved in IS2004, and with great interest I read about a Panel Roadshow, as an interesting way to disseminate methods and data collection. Andreas Nürnberger introduced into MUMIA (IC1002), an Action we have already listed in our MoU. The shared interest concerns aspects of multi-ligual and multi-facetted information retrieval. The presentation of KnowEscape can be found on Slideshare.
The evening before the conference I walked through the city and run into a local educational project – Dream My City. Displayed on a wall securing a construction place where an abundance of re-configured old city maps. The pupils working on those maps sometime added features as bridges, sometime turned the whole map into a story telling about their life and wishes.
For the whole collection of these maps see the Facebook site.