Call for speakers for WG4 workshop in Geneva

The workshop “Moving from mere open data to the creation of knowledge spaces” that will take place in Geneva during OKCON on September 19 is looking for speakers!
Have a look at the following call and consider sending in something. More information can be found on the event page

– Call for speakers –

There is an increasing amount of data sets being made available online through an increasing amount of data portals. Just like the Web, this vast amount can be exploited in two ways: search and exploration. The main difference is that searching consists in finding specific data sets matching a given set of criterion while exploring relates to the opportunistic hopping from dataset to dataset following interesting links. Whereas the former can deal with isolated data silos, the later relies a lot on the presence of links across datasets and the portals. When such links are established we move from scarce data sharing to the creation of a global interconnected knowledge space that can be easily browsed for information.
In this one day workshop we will discuss, and experiment with, the practicalities of data exploration through interconnected data source. We will also look at how the Linked Data publication principles facilitate this process. The topics of the workshop include, but are not limited to:
* Data integration
* Information visualisation
* Data mining for Linked Open Data
* Best practices for publishing and consuming Linked Data
* Data exploration

We invite submission of 1 to 4 pages extended abstracts (LNCS format) describing a demo, an idea or a work in progress to be discussed during the event. The selected submission will be presented in a short time and discussed during the workshop. Submissions are managed via Easychair: <>

Important dates
* Abstract submission deadline: August 25, 2013
* Notifications: September 2, 2013
* Camera ready version: September 13, 2013
* Workshop date: September 19, 2013

Invited speakers and schedule
* Invited speakers : Andreas Perret and Benjamin Zapilko
* This is a full-day workshop (10.00-17.00). A detailed schedule will be made available on the KnowEscape website <> and the event page <>

Christophe Guéret, DANS, NL
Peter Mutschke, GESIS, DE