One precondition for knowledge maps and science maps, which aim to be more as ‘just’ visualization of a certain situation at a certain point in time, is to compare them. There are different issues at hand: First, to articulate the reference frame of a specific science map, and to discuss and negotiate standards for science maps. Second, to relate the classification or ordering systems (the structures) which emerge in science maps to other existing classification schemes. This workshop brings together scientometricians, map makers, and other stakeholders of standards in the area of Science and Technology to discuss state-of-the-art, most urgent problems, and a possible roadmap towards standards for science mapping and classifications. The workshop is part of the 14th International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference, in Vienna, July 15-19, 2013. The organizers are Katy Börner, Caroline Wagner, Andrea Scharnhorst, and Vincent Larivière. From TD1210 KnowEscape also Judit BarIlan is involved. More information can be found at and . The agenda can be downloaded here: Agenda Workshop4 ISSI 2013.