After Milano “e-Governement and e-Knowledge, – wider societal use of knowledge maps”

After Milano “e-Governement and e-Knowledge, – wider societal use of knowledge maps”

This is a report on the workshop “On the diff usion of fi nancial literacy, 16th-17th September, 2015, Milano, Italy.

The workshop “On the diff usion of fi nancial literacy held in Milano, Italy, on Sept. 16th-18th, 2015 took place at Univerasity of Milano Bicocca. It explored possible ways of seeing the issue at hands, sometimes before pursuing work on defi nite research problems, but based on well acquired big data. This workshop provided a platform for cross fertilization of ideas from across  various sciences to researchers in social sciences, economy, finance, sport, religion, history, tourism, with bases in standard disciplines, plus with an interest in contributing to public policy.
The original expectation was to gather 10 or so active participants, but in a networking spirit, the seminar room was opened to anyone interested. At some time, the audience was as large as 40. Some of the attendants were from Europe and in particular the TD1210 Action, but many local colleagues
participated actively. The schedule was respected – apart from some minor delays that did not
a ffect the quality of the talks.

The full pdf of the report can be found here:

The programme:

The plenary announcement:

The organizers conclude that the sessions were quite homogeneous in topics, even though they are rather unusually discussed. Papers presented at the workshop will be found in upcoming publications or have already been submitted or published. The young researchers present at the workshop discussed ways to pursue the scienti c matter; the collaboration between active researchers will be hopefully extended to enable research cooperation on innovation policy issues within eGovernement and eKnowledge for a wider societal use of knowledge maps.

Prof. Silvana Stefani (Univ. Milano Bicocca, Milano, IT),
Prof. Giulia Rotundo (Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, IT)