WG 3: Visual analytics of knowledge spaces – knowledge maps

After Amsterdam – a report from “Making sense of education indicators”

After Amsterdam – a report from “Making sense of education indicators”

Education is an important aspect of society and assessing the progress made by learners is key to appreciating, validating and if need be improving the educational system in place. Determining how to best assess learning outcomes continues to be a challenge for teachers and policy makers alike. From collaborative problem…

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After “The role of knowledge maps for access to digital archives” – a workshop report

After “The role of knowledge maps for access to digital archives” – a workshop report

Report of the COST TD1210 Workshop “The role of knowledge maps for access to Digital Archives“ Some COST funded meetings have the essence of COST all in a nutshell; and Milena Dobreva as a Local Organizer seems to have a specific gift to bring this to life. Two years ago…

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STSM report – Knowledge Transfer on Information Visualization.

STSM report – Knowledge Transfer on Information Visualization.

With the advent of information overload and the increase popularity in Big Data applications, there is an increasing need to present information in ways in which can be easily assimilated. Information Visualization is a key factor in interfaces and information architecture of contemporary systems. There are currently many opportunities for…

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STSM – Topological Analysis of Scientific Collaboration – a report by Veslava Osinska

STSM – Topological Analysis of Scientific Collaboration – a report by Veslava Osinska

Topological Analysis of Scientific Collaboration Dynamics Dr Veslava Osinska at the Boğaziçi University in Istanbul 28.06 – 03.07.2015 During my STSM I at the Boğaziçi University I learned about the state of art of scientometrics research and visualisations of science in Turkey. With Dr. Almila Akdag and Prof. Albert Ali…

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RESplorer – STSM of Christophe Guéret in London

RESplorer – STSM of Christophe Guéret in London

This report is also available at http://dans-labs.github.io/RESplorer/ together with the source code of RESplorer. About RESplorer RESplorer is the outcome of Christophe Guéret (@cgueret) experiencing with Acropolis during a KNOWeSCAPE Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM) at the BBC Media Centre between June 1th and June 5th 2015. Acropolis is at the…

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After “Evolution and variation of classification systems” – a workshop report by Andrea Scharnhorst

After “Evolution and variation of classification systems” – a workshop report by Andrea Scharnhorst

From March 4-5, 2015 a two-day international workshop took place in Amsterdam, hosted by the eHumanities group of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. The title of the workshop was Evolution and variation of classification systems – how stable is the organization of knowledge and how diverse is…

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After “Quantifying scientific impact: networks, measures, insights?” – a workshop report of Frank Schweitzer

After “Quantifying scientific impact: networks, measures, insights?” – a workshop report of Frank Schweitzer

Report on COST TD1210 Workshop Quantifying scienti c impact: networks, measures, insights? February 12-13, 2015 Villa Hatt, Zurich, Switzerland Prof. Dr. Dr. Frank Schweitzer Chair of Systems Design ETH Zurich Switzerland fschweitzer@ethz.ch Scientometrics, and quantitative studies of science in general, attract significant attention both from researchers and stakeholders. Importantly, they already…

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Discussing knowledge graphs with DERI – STSM of Laurens Rietveld to the NUI Galway

Discussing knowledge graphs with DERI – STSM of Laurens Rietveld to the NUI Galway

The DERI institute of the National University of Ireland, in Galway, is one of the biggest Semantic Web groups around. Their research spans across most Semantic Web areas, and their project are quite practical in nature: solving real-world problems involving the Semantic Web. My choice to visit DERI was a…

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After the workshop – Rich models for complex data – a report

After the workshop – Rich models for complex data – a report

The workshop Rich models for complex data took place inNamur, Belgium from May 7-8, 2014. Computational science has entered the era of Big Data, fueled by unparalleled amounts of data coming from high-throughput technologies and electronic records collected by various sensors and communication devices. This trend is particularly visible in…

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Using Knowledge Maps to visualize Search Histories – STSM report of Wilko van Hoek

Using Knowledge Maps to visualize Search Histories – STSM report of Wilko van Hoek

During the STSM in Amsterdam, I was able to establish connections to various scientists and to get additional ideas, which will help me to pursue my research. I was able to meet with several people at the DANS Institute in The Hague, where I met with developers of the NARCIS…

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